自我评估智慧量表(Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale,SAWS)
The SAWS Inventory
This brief questionnaire is designed to investigate how people of different ages perceive themselves with respect to life experiences and whether or not these perceptions change as we grow older. You are asked to rate all of the following statements using the scale below. Remember, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers and your responses will remain anonymous. Do not rush, but work steadily as we are interested in your first impressions. Please record your responses by circling only one number on the rating scale to the left of each statement.
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Moderately Disagree
3 = Slightly Disagree
4 = Slightly Agree
5 = Moderately Agree
6 = Strongly Agree
- I have overcome many painful events in my life.
- It is easy for me to adjust my emotions to the situation at hand.
- I often think about connections between my past and present.
- I can chuckle at personal embarrassments.
- I like to read books which challenge me to think differently about issues.
- I have had to make many important life decisions.
- Emotions do not overwhelm me when I make personal decisions.
- I often think about my personal past.
- There can be amusing elements even in very difficult life situations.
- I enjoy listening to a variety of musical styles besides my favourite kind.
- I have dealt with a great many different kinds of people during my lifetime.
- I am “tuned” in to my own emotions.
- I reminisce quite frequently.
- I try and find a humorous side when coping with a major life transition.
- I enjoy sampling a wide variety of different ethnic foods.
- I have experienced many moral dilemmas.
- I am very good at reading my emotional states.
- Reviewing my past helps me gain perspective on current concerns.
- I am easily aroused to laughter.
- I often look for new things to try.
- I have seen much of the negative side of life (e.g., dishonesty, hypocrisy).
- I can freely express my emotions without feeling like I might lose control.
- I often recall earlier times in my life to see how I’ve changed since then.
- At this point in my life, I find it easy to laugh at my mistakes.
- Controversial works of art play an important and valuable role in society.
- I have lived through many difficult life transitions.
- I am good at identifying subtle emotions within myself.
- Recalling my earlier days helps me gain insight into important life matters.
- I often use humour to put others at ease.
- I like being around persons whose views are strongly different from mine.
- I’ve personally discovered that “you can’t always tell a book from its cover”.
- I can regulate my emotions when the situation calls for it.
- I often find memories of my past can be important coping resources.
- Now I find that I can really appreciate life’s little ironies.
- I’m very curious about other religious and/or philosophical belief systems.
- I’ve learned valuable life lessons from others.
- It seems I have a talent for reading other people’s emotions.
- Reliving past accomplishments in memory increases my confidence for today.
- I can make fun of myself to comfort others.
- I’ve often wondered about life and what lies beyond.
- 我曾克服生活中的许多苦难。
- 我能轻而易举地调整好自己在某一情境中的情绪。
- 对自己的过去和现在之间的关系,我常进行反思。
- 对自己身处的尴尬局面我能一笑了之。
- 我喜欢阅读那些能挑战自我、让我用不同方式思考问题的书籍。
- 我不得不做出许多重要的人生决定。
- 我做决定时一般不会被情绪所干扰。
- 我经常反思自己的过去。
- 即使生活很艰难,也能在其中找到一些乐趣。
- 除了我特别喜欢的音乐类型外,我还喜欢其他类型的音乐。
- 到目前为止,我已经和许多不同类型的人打过交道。
- 我善于调节自己的情绪。
- 我经常自省。
- 在应对人生中带有转折意义的重大事件时,我试图发现其诙谐有趣的一面。
- 我乐于尝试不同民族的各式食物。
- 我经历过许多道德困境。
- 我能敏锐捕捉到自己的情绪状态。
- 反思自己的过去能为我现在关心的问题提供思路。
- 我容易被逗乐。
- 我经常尝试接触新事物。
- 我见过太多生活中的阴暗面(如,不诚实、虚伪)。
- 我能轻松地表达自己的情感,且不担心自己会情绪失控。
- 我经常回忆自己的早期经历,以便知道现在的我是如何形成的。
- 现在我能对自己曾经犯的过错一笑了之,而不会耿耿于怀。
- 引发争议的艺术品对社会具有重要且有益的作用。
- 我已经度过了许多艰难的人生转折期。
- 我善于察觉自己内心的微妙情绪反应。
- 反思自己的过去能让我对人生中的重大事件有更深刻的认识。
- 我常常通过幽默言行让别人感到轻松自在。
- 周围人的观点越与我不同,我越高兴。
- 我觉得“以貌取人”是不恰当的。
- 我能根据场合的需要调整自己的情绪。
- 我时常发现过去的经历是战胜困难的重要法宝。
- 现在我发现我真的能欣赏生活中具有一点讽刺意味的事情。
- 我对一些宗教信仰或哲学体系充满好奇。
- 我从别人那学到了一些有益的生活经验。
- 我似乎有解读别人情绪的天赋。
- 想到过去所取得的成就能让我变得更加自信。
- 我能通过自嘲来安慰别人。
- 我常对生活和生活之外的事情充满好奇。
At this point, scoring involves simply summing over all items, using raw scores, to obtain a total SAWS score. The five factors, and their corresponding SAWS items are:
2.Emotional Regulation: 2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37
3.Reminiscence/Reflection: 3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38
4.Humour: 4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39
5.Openness: 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40
陈浩彬, 汪凤炎. Wisdom: Structure, Category, Measurement and Relationships to Related Variables%智慧:结构、类型、测量及与相关变量的关系[J]. 心理科学进展, 2013, 021(001):108-117.
