1. Sexual activity in aged persons is often dangerous to their health.
  2. Males over the age of 65 typically take longer to attain an erection of their penis than do younger males.
  3. Males over the age of 65 usually experience a reduction in intensity of orgasm relative to younger males.
  4. The firmness of erection in aged males if often less than that of younger persons.
  5. The older female (65+ years of age) has reduced vaginal lubrication secretion relative to younger females.
  6. The aged female takes longer to achieve adequate vaginal lubrication relative to younger females.
  7. The older female may experience painful intercourse due to reduced elasticity of the vagina and reduced vaginal lubrication.
  8. Sexuality is typically a lifelong need.
  9. Sexual behavior in older people (65+) increases the risk of heart attack.
  10. Most males over the age of 65 are unable to engage in sexual intercourse.
  11. The relatively most sexually active younger people tend to become the relatively most sexually active older people.
  12. There is evidence that sexual activity in older persons has beneficial physical effects on the participants.
  13. Sexual activity may be psychologically beneficial to older person participants.
  14. Most older females are sexually unresponsive.
  15. The sex urge typically increases with age in males over 65.
  16. Prescription drugs may alter a person's sex drive.
  17. Females, after menopause, have a physiological-induced need for sexual activity.
  18. Basically, changes with advanced age (65+) in sexuality involve a slowing of response time rather than a reduction of interest in sex.
  19. Older males typically experience a reduced need to ejaculate and hence may maintain an erection of the penis for a longer time than younger males.
  20. Older males and females cannot act as sex partners as both need younger partners for stimulation.
  21. The most common determinant of the frequency of sexual activity in older couples is the interest or lack of interest of the husband in a sexual relationship with his wife.
  22. Barbiturates, tranquilizers, and alcohol may lower the sexual arousal levels of aged persons and interfere with sexual responsiveness.
  23. Sexual disinterest in aged persons may be a reflection of a psychological state of depression.
  24. There is a decrease in frequency of sexual activity with older age in males.
  25. There is a greater decrease in male sexuality with age than there is in female sexuality.
  26. Heavy consumption of cigarettes may diminish sexual desire.
  27. An important factor in the maintenance of sexual responsiveness in the aging male is the consistency of sexual activity throughout his life.
  28. Fear of the inability to perform sexually may bring about an inability to perform sexually in older males.
  29. The ending of sexual activity in old age is most likely and primarily due to social and psychological causes rather then biological and physical causes.
  30. Excessive masturbation may bring about an early onset of mental confusion and dementia in the aged.
  31. There is an inevitable loss of sexual satisfaction in post-menopausal women.
  32. Secondary impotence (or non-physiologically caused) increases in males over the age of 60 relative to young males.
  33. Impotence in aged males may literally be effectively treated and cured in many instances.
  34. In the absence of severe physical disability males and females may maintain sexual interest and activity well into their 80s and 90s.
  35. Masturbation in older males and females has beneficial effects on the maintenance of sexual responsiveness.


  1. 性行为会危害老年人的健康
  2. 比起年轻男性,60 岁以上的男性要花更长时间让阴茎成功勃起
  3. 比起年轻男性,60 岁以上的男性在性高潮时所感受到的刺激较弱
  4. 勃起时,年长男性的阴茎不像年轻男性般结实
  5. 比起年轻女性,(60 岁以上)的年长女性,阴道润滑性分泌物会减少
  6. 比起年轻女性,年长女性须花更长时间才有足夠的阴道润滑性分泌物
  7. 由于年長的女性的阴道弹性不足与阴道润滑性分泌物渐减。
  8. 性爱的需求持续終生
  9. 60 岁以上老年人性行为增加心脏病病发的风险。
  10. 大多数 60 岁以上男性不能性交
  11. 年轻时性最活跃的人,年长时亦是如此
  12. 证据显示,长者的性行为对身体有益
  13. 长者性行为可能对心理有益
  14. 年长的女性大多是性冷感的
  15. 60 岁以上男性对性的渴求普遍隨年龄递增
  16. 处方药物可以改变一个人对性的欲求
  17. 更年期后的女性仍有由生理诱发的性需要
  18. 60 岁以上长者于性方面的转变,主要是反应渐慢,而非性趣减弱
  19. 比起年轻男性,年长男性对射精的需要普遍减弱,因此阴茎能維持勃起较长时间
  20. 年长的男女无法作对方的性伴侶,因为两者也需要年轻性伴的刺激
  21. 丈夫是否有兴趣与妻子有性关系,是决定长者性行为频率最常见的因素
  22. 安眠药、镇定剂、酒精都可能减弱长者的性兴奋的感觉和扰乱他們的性反应
  23. 长者对性丧失兴趣可能反映心理上的抑郁
  24. 随着年龄增长,男性性行为的频率下降
  25. 随着年龄增长,男性性欲减少的幅度比女性较大
  26. 吸烟过多可能会降低对性方面的渴望
  27. 年长的男性要维持对性的反应,持续一生的性生活是重要因素
  28. 对性无能的恐惧,可能会导致年长男性出现性无能
  29. 长者结束性生活,最可能的主因是由于社交与心理,而非生物与物理的因素
  30. 长者过度自慰可能导致精神错乱与老人痴呆提早病发
  31. 更年期后的女性必然失去性满足
  32. 比起年轻男性,60 岁以上的男性较常面对非生理因素导致的性无能
  33. 年长男性的性无能在大多数情況下都能够有效成功治愈
  34. 只要身体沒有严重残障,八九十岁的男女仍可保持性趣与性生活
  35. 年長的男女自慰,有助保持对性的敏感度


YANG Shu-Yan. An Integrated Model to Understand Elder Sexualityin Urban China
Charles B. White. A scale for the assessment of attitude and knowledge regarding sexuality in the aged. Archives of Sexual Behavior 11(6):491-502 · January 1983
Aging sexual knowledge and attitude scale. Handbook of sexuality-related measures.