谦虚量表(Humility Scale )
openness (∝ = .60)
“When confronted with my mistakes, my first response is to explain why I did it,”
“When I get in trouble, it is important to me to be able to explain what happened,”
“ I am usually quick to rationalize my failures.”
Low scores on these items revealed being open to acknowledging one’s imperfections and limitations, instead of feeling it necessary to justify his/her shortcomings.
self-forgetfulness (∝ = .64)
“When I have put myself out for another, I want them to acknowledge my sacrifice,”
“When someone else is being recognized, I think about my accomplishments”
“It frustrates me, when others are praised and I am not.”
Low scores on these items demonstrated a freedom from self-absorption in one’s own accomplishments and an ability to allow the attention to be on others.
modest self-assessment (∝ =.63)
A modest self-assessment comprised the third component which consisted of the following four items:
“The challenges ahead of me often cause me to feel overwhelmed;”
“I don’t have my act together the way I’d like;”
“Recently, I have felt ashamed of my arrogance;”
“I often wish I were as talented as my peers.”
These items reflected a modest self-assessment, especially in contrast to the traits of positive illusion and egocentric arrogance.
focus on others (∝ = .37)
“I feel honored when others ask for my help”
“I am deeply touched when others sacrifice for me”
“I feel valuable doing “lowly” things for others”
Please circle the response that most accurately describes you.
1= Strongly Disagree
2= Disagree
5=Strongly Agree
男平均值及标准差40.01 (4.11)
女平均值及标准差41.06 (4.04)
总体平均值及标准差40.63 (4.09)
Jeffrey Charles Elliott Humility: Development and analysis of a scale
