- I would be quite bored by a visit to an art gallery.
- I clean my office or home quite frequently.
- I rarely hold a grudge, even against people who have badly wronged me.
- I feel reasonably satisfied with myself overall.
- I would feel afraid if I had to travel in bad weather conditions.
- If I want something from a person I dislike, I will act very nicely toward that person in order to get it.
- I'm interested in learning about the history and politics of other countries.
- When working, I often set ambitious goals for myself.
- People sometimes tell me that I am too critical of others.
- I rarely express my opinions in group meetings.
- I sometimes can't help worrying about little things.
- If I knew that I could never get caught, I would be willing to steal a million dollars.
- I would like a job that requires following a routine rather than being creative.
- I often check my work over repeatedly to find any mistakes.
- People sometimes tell me that I'm too stubborn.
- I avoid making "small talk" with people.
- When I suffer from a painful experience, I need someone to make me feel comfortable.
- Having a lot of money is not especially important to me.
- I think that paying attention to radical ideas is a waste of time.
- I make decisions based on the feeling of the moment rather than on careful thought.
- People think of me as someone who has a quick temper.
- I am energetic nearly all the time.
- I feel like crying when I see other people crying.
- I am an ordinary person who is no better than others.
- I wouldn't spend my time reading a book of poetry.
- I plan ahead and organize things, to avoid scrambling at the last minute.
- My attitude toward people who have treated me badly is "forgive and forget".
- I think that most people like some aspects of my personality.
- I don’t mind doing jobs that involve dangerous work.
- I wouldn't use flattery to get a raise or promotion at work, even if I thought it would succeed.
- I enjoy looking at maps of different places.
- I often push myself very hard when trying to achieve a goal.
- I generally accept people’s faults without complaining about them.
- In social situations, I'm usually the one who makes the first move.
- I worry a lot less than most people do.
- I would be tempted to buy stolen property if I were financially tight.
- I would enjoy creating a work of art, such as a novel, a song, or a painting.
- When working on something, I don't pay much attention to small details.
- I am usually quite flexible in my opinions when people disagree with me.
- I enjoy having lots of people around to talk with.
- I can handle difficult situations without needing emotional support from anyone else.
- I would like to live in a very expensive, high-class neighborhood.
- I like people who have unconventional views.
- I make a lot of mistakes because I don't think before I act.
- I rarely feel anger, even when people treat me quite badly.
- On most days, I feel cheerful and optimistic.
- When someone I know well is unhappy, I can almost feel that person's pain myself.
- I wouldn’t want people to treat me as though I were superior to them.
- If I had the opportunity, I would like to attend a classical music concert.
- People often joke with me about the messiness of my room or desk.
- If someone has cheated me once, I will always feel suspicious of that person.
- I feel that I am an unpopular person.
- When it comes to physical danger, I am very fearful.
- If I want something from someone, I will laugh at that person's worst jokes.
- I would be very bored by a book about the history of science and technology.
- Often when I set a goal, I end up quitting without having reached it.
- I tend to be lenient in judging other people.
- When I'm in a group of people, I'm often the one who speaks on behalf of the group.
- I rarely, if ever, have trouble sleeping due to stress or anxiety.
- I would never accept a bribe, even if it were very large.
- People have often told me that I have a good imagination.
- I always try to be accurate in my work, even at the expense of time.
- When people tell me that I’m wrong, my first reaction is to argue with them.
- I prefer jobs that involve active social interaction to those that involve working alone.
- Whenever I feel worried about something, I want to share my concern with another person.
- I would like to be seen driving around in a very expensive car.
- I think of myself as a somewhat eccentric person.
- I don’t allow my impulses to govern my behavior.
- Most people tend to get angry more quickly than I do.
- People often tell me that I should try to cheer up.
- I feel strong emotions when someone close to me is going away for a long time.
- I think that I am entitled to more respect than the average person is.
- Sometimes I like to just watch the wind as it blows through the trees.
- When working, I sometimes have difficulties due to being disorganized.
- I find it hard to fully forgive someone who has done something mean to me.
- I sometimes feel that I am a worthless person.
- Even in an emergency I wouldn't feel like panicking.
- I wouldn't pretend to like someone just to get that person to do favors for me.
- I’ve never really enjoyed looking through an encyclopedia.
- I do only the minimum amount of work needed to get by.
- Even when people make a lot of mistakes, I rarely say anything negative.
- I tend to feel quite self-conscious when speaking in front of a group of people.
- I get very anxious when waiting to hear about an important decision.
- I’d be tempted to use counterfeit money, if I were sure I could get away with it.
- I don't think of myself as the artistic or creative type.
- People often call me a perfectionist.
- I find it hard to compromise with people when I really think I’m right.
- The first thing that I always do in a new place is to make friends.
- I rarely discuss my problems with other people.
- I would get a lot of pleasure from owning expensive luxury goods.
- I find it boring to discuss philosophy.
- I prefer to do whatever comes to mind, rather than stick to a plan.
- I find it hard to keep my temper when people insult me.
- Most people are more upbeat and dynamic than I generally am.
- I remain unemotional even in situations where most people get very sentimental.
- I want people to know that I am an important person of high status.
- I have sympathy for people who are less fortunate than I am.
- I try to give generously to those in need.
- It wouldn’t bother me to harm someone I didn’t like.
- People see me as a hard-hearted person.
1 我觉得参观美术馆很无聊。
2 我经常清理自己的办公室或居家环境。
3 我很少有怨恨,即使面对那些对我很坏的人。
4 整体而言我对自己还算满意。
5 如果我必须在恶劣气候之下出外,我会感到害怕。
6 为了从自己不喜欢的人手中得到一些东西, 我会假装对那个人很友善。
7 我喜欢去学习外国的历史和政治。
8 当工作时, 我通常会为自己订下规模宏大的目标。
9 有时候其他人告诉我对别人太挑剔。
10 在团体讨论中,我很少表达自己的意见。
11 我会为一些小事而有些焦躁不安。
12 如果知道我自己永远不会被抓,我也想要去偷一百万。
13 我喜欢做遵照惯例的工作,而不是需要创意的工作。
14 我会重复地检查自己的工作,以找出任何错误。
15 有时候其他人认为我太顽固。
16 我会避免跟其他人随意聊聊。
17 当我遭遇到痛苦的经验时,我需要其他人的安慰。
18 对我来说,拥有很多金钱不是特别重要。
19 我认为听取极端意见是在浪费时间。
20 我以当时的感受来作决定,而不会仔细思考。
21 别人认为我是一个很暴躁的人。
22 几乎所有时候我都精力充沛。
23 看到别人哭时,我也会想哭。
24 我认为自己是个普普通通的人,并不比其他人优秀。
25 我不愿花时间去阅读诗集。
26 我会在事前计划和组织要做的事,避免最后一分钟手忙脚乱。
27 面对那些对我很坏的人,我的态度是「原谅与忘记」。
28 我认为大多数人喜爱我的某些个性。
29 我不介意去做一些有危险性的工作。
30 即使我相信用巴结的方式可以得到奖励,我也不会做。
31 我喜欢看不同地方的地图。
32 我通常把自己逼得很紧,以求达到目标。
33 我通常会接受别人所犯的错误,而不会抱怨他们。
34 在社交场合里, 我通常都是那个先主动的人。
35 比起大多数人,我担心的事少了很多。
36 如果手头很紧, 我可能会禁不起诱惑去购买赃物。
37 我喜欢从事艺术创作,例如,写小说、写歌、绘画。
38 做事时, 我不太注意小细节。
39 当别人不同意我的时候,我通常能让自己的意见保持相当的弹性。
40 我喜欢一群人聚在一起闲聊。
41 我可以处理困难的处境而不需要任何人的情感支持。
42 我想住在一个很昂贵, 高级的区域。
43 我喜欢那些对事情有独特见解的人。
44 我因采取行动前没有仔细思考而犯下很多错误。
45 即使其他人对待我颇差,我也很少生气。
46 大多数日子里, 我都感到愉快和乐观。
47 与我很亲近的人不开心,我也能感同身受。
48 我不想要别人对待我的方式好像我比他们优秀。
49 如果我有机会, 我会想去参加古典音乐会。
50 别人时常取笑我房间或桌子凌乱。
51 如果有人欺骗过我一次, 我以后都会怀疑这人。
52 我觉得自己是个不受欢迎的人。
53 面对可能使身体受伤的险境, 我会很害怕。
54 如果我想从某人手中得到一些东西, 即使那个人讲的笑话再不好笑,我也会哈哈大笑。
55 我觉得关于科学史和科技史的书都很无趣。
56 我为自己定下的目标,常常最后未完成就放弃。
57 我采宽厚的态度去评论他人。
58 在团体中,我常是那个代表团体说话的人。
59 我很少因为压力或忧虑而失眠。
60 即使很有价值,我也绝不会接受贿赂。
61 别人经常说我有很好的想象力。
62 即使要花很多的时间,在工作上,我还是力求精确。
63 当别人说我错了,我第一个反应就是跟他们争辩。
64 我喜爱需要主动与人互动的工作多于只需独自一人进行的工作。
65 当我忧心某些事,我想跟别人说说自己的忧虑。
66 我想让别人看到我开著名贵轿车。
67 我认为自己算是个不墨守成规的人。
68 我不容许自己的冲动来控制行为。
69 大多数的人比我容易生气。
70 别人常常对我说,我应该试着快乐起来。
71 当亲近的人要离开一段很长的时间,我会有很深的感伤。
72 我认为我比一般人有资格得到更多的尊重。
73 有时候我喜欢静静地看着风吹过树稍。
74 在工作上, 我有时候会因为没有好的计划而遇到困难。
75 我发觉很难完全原谅曾对我刻薄的人。
76 我有时会觉得自已一文不值。
77 即使在非常危急的情况, 我不会感觉到惊慌。
78 我不会为了让某人帮我做事而假装喜欢那个人。
79 翻阅百科全书这件事,我从没真正喜欢过。
80 我只做每天应做的最少工作量。
81 即使当别人犯很多的错误, 我也很少说难听的话。
82 在一群人面前说话, 我会感到非常不自然。
83 在等待一些重大决定的结果时,我会变得非常焦躁。
84 我会禁不住诱惑用伪钞,如果我确定绝不会被抓到。
85 我不认为自己是那种有艺术天份或创意的人。
86 别人常说我是个完美主义者。
87 当我认为自己是正确的时候,我发觉自己很难去跟人妥协。
88 通常我到新环境做的第一件事就是交新朋友。
89 我很少跟别人讨论自己的问题。
90 如果有机会可以拥有昂贵的奢侈品,我会获得很大的快乐。
91 我发觉讨论哲学很乏味。
92 我喜欢想到什么就做什么,不喜欢按计划行事。
93 当有人侮辱我时,我发觉很难去控制自己的脾气。
94 大多数人都比平常的我要乐观和有活力。
95 即使在大多数人变得很感伤的情境中,我仍可不动情感。
96 我想让别人知道我是个地位高的重要人物。
97 我会同情那些比我不幸的人。
98 我试着慷慨地说明一些有需要的人。
99 我不会因伤害了不喜欢的人而难过。
100 别人觉得我是个硬心肠的人。
