大学生感戴量表(Gratitude,Resentment,and Appreciation Test, GRAT)
20世纪60年代积极心理学的兴起使得感戴成为重要研究領域。感戴( gratitude)源于拉丁字根 gratia,意为“优雅、高尚、感谢”。"目前国内外对感戴的定义尚未形成统一看法,研究者试图把感戴看成一种情绪、态度、高尚的道德、习惯、人格特质、处理事情的反应和情感特质等。Rosenberg认为感戴是一种情感特质,即设定某种情绪状态发生的阈限值,能够对某类情绪反应具有稳定的预测作用。Watkins等认为感戴是一种人格特质。
国外研究表明,高感戴者健康水平也越高,并体验着更强烈而持久的幸福感。 Emmons和Kneezel将感戴视为情绪和精神功能健康的表征。Bono和 Mccullough认为,感戴可以使个体保持精神上平和,更易快乐,并与各种负性情绪和病理状态相抵触,能够预防精神障碍和疾病的发生。Laird等研究发现,在风湿性关节炎患者中,习惯于感載的个体较少体验到抑郁、焦虑。感戴有利于提高身心健康和幸福感,开感戴研究,有利于为中年人建立起高质量的生活提供依据。
42*For some reason I never seem to get the breaks that others get.
26*More bad things have happened to me in my life than I deserve
4*I never seem to get the breaks that other people do.
7*There never seems to be enough to go around and I'm always coming up short
14*I really dont think that Ive gotten all the good things that I deserve in life
28*Because of what I've gone through in my life, I really feel like the world owes me something
31*I believe that I've had more than my share of bad things come my way
2*I think that life has handed me a short stick
37* I basically feel like life has ripped me off.
3*It sure seems like others get a lot more benefits in life than I do.
6 Life has been good to me
12* It seems like people have frequently tried to impede my progress
39*I feel that"someone up there"doesnt like me.
24 I believe that I am a very fortunate person.
32*Although I think that I'm morally better than most, I haven't gotten my just reward in life
21*At Christmas, I never seemed to get as many presents or presents that were as good as others received
29 I believe that the things in life that are really enjoyable are just as available to me as they are to Ross Perot or Donald Trump.
15 Every Fall I really enjoy watching the leaves change colors
25 I think that it's important to"Stop and smell the roses.
27 I really enjoy the changing seasons.
9 Oftentimes I have been overwhelmed at the beauty of nature
41 I love the green of Spring
36 I think it's important to enjoy the simple things in life.
5 Often Im just amazed at how beautiful the sunsets are
18 Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed by the beauty of a musical
34 I really enjoy a crackling fire on a cold winters day.
30 I love to sit and watch the snow fall
35 I think that it's important to sit down every once in a while and count your blessings
40 The simple pleasures of life are the best pleasures of life.
43 I think it's important to appreciate each day that you are alive
8 Often I think, " What a privilege it is to be alive.
16 Although I'm basically in control of my life, I cant help but think about all those who have supported me and helped me along the way.
38 I feel deeply appreciative for the things others have done for me in my life
13 Although I think it's important to feel good about your accomplishments, I think that it's also important to remember how others have contributed to my accomplishments
1 I could't have gotten where I am today without the help of many
19 Im basically very thankful for the parenting that was provided to me
22 Sometimes I think. "Why am I so privileged so as to be bom into the situation I was bom into?
44 Im really thankful for friends and family.
11 Many people have given me valuable wisdom throughout my life that has been important to my success
23 One of my favorite times of the year is Thanksgiving
17 Part of really enjoying something good is being thankful for that thing
20* T've gotten where I am today because of my own hard work despite the lack of any help or support
10 I feel grateful for the education I have received
33 After eating I often pause and think, " What a wonderful meal.
*Indicates item is reverse scored
因素1 剥夺感的缺失
1、 我觉得生活对我不公平
2、 看起来其他人从生活中得到的益处确实比我多
3、 我好像从来没有得到过像别人那样的机会
4、 生活对我来说已经够美好了
5、 似乎从来都是“僧多粥少”,我也从来没有得到过我的那份
6、 仿佛人们常常试图阻止我进步
7、 我觉得生活中有许多美好的事物是我应该得到,但我并没有得到
8、 过生日的时候,我收到的礼物都不如别人的好也不如别人的多。
9、 我相信我是一个非常幸运的人
因素2 对社会的感激
因素3 对自然事物的感激
孙文刚, 汪金, 韩仁生. 大学生感戴量表(GRAT)的修订[J]. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2010, 018(001):28-30.
杜秋霞. 中年人感戴状况调查研究[J]. 潍坊工程职业学院学报, 2014, 27(002):48-51.
Watkins P C , Woodward K , Stone T , et al. Gratitude and happiness: Development of a measure of gratitude, and relationships with subjective well-being[J]. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 2003, 38(5):814-827.
